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Things you were always to scared to ask...

How do I choose a glass?
Remember that wine should delight ALL the senses. It should not only taste and smell good, but look good as well. Serve wine in a thin, clear glass that shows off the colour and clarity to best advantage. Avoid coloured glasses.

The glass should have a stem, so it can be held without warming the wine inside it. The rim should preferably curve inward, so it gathers the aromas together and concentrates them under the drinker’s nose.

Wine glasses should always be stored the right way up. If they are left upside down they can develop a slightly mouldy smell from the trapped damp air inside. They can also pick up odours from the shelf. Some restaurants use a rack that suspends wine glasses upside down by their bases. Glasses should be kept sparkling clean and given a wipe with a soft cloth before being set out.

If they are washed in detergent, make sure they are well rinsed in clear water before drying. Even a minute hint of detergent residue can affect the taste of the wine.

Should I Let Wine Breathe?
Some wine drinkers declare that a red wine should be allowed to ‘breathe’ in the bottle before it is poured. Frankly, this doesn’t do much to improve the wine.

The surface area of the wine in the bottle neck is so small that hardly any oxygen can reach the wine in the hour or two in which it is left standing. If you really do want to oxygenate the wine, decant it by pouring it gently down the side of a glass decanter. Some older red wines develop a sediment at the bottom (or side, if the bottle has been stored lying down) of the bottle.

This is not a sign of any defect, but if you prefer to keep the sediment out of the glass, you can also pour the wine carefully into a decanter, leaving the last bit, with the sediment, in the bottle.

How do I open a wine bottle?

Turn the top off in anti-clockwise direction. If it's a cork top, use a cork screw tool. 

If all else fails - chop the head off with a knife and enjoy your drink.

What can I drink when I have a babelas?
When you find yourself with a babelas - Pour yourself another drink and relax. You will feel better after the second glass.
I have not received my medicine yet!
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris  

I have a pain in my right ear, what should I do?

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What is the alcohol content of a typical Savignon Blanc?
It is typically 4.6%

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